856. Peter MÜHLHÄUSER was born 4/9/1685 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He died 3/28/1730 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 1/11/1972 in the St. George temple. Peter was baptized 6/19/1971 in the St. George temple. He was endowed 9/28/1971 in the St. George temple. Peter married Maria HÄDERLE on 8/11/1712 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Their sealing was submitted. [Parents]
857. Maria HÄDERLE was born 5/2/1684 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She died 2/14/1744 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Her sealing to parents was submitted. Maria's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted. [Parents]
858. Ulrich BÖHRINGER was born 6/5/1685 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. His sealing to parents was submitted. Ulrich's baptism was submitted. His endowment was submitted. He married Margarethe BLESSING on 2/16/1706 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Their sealing was submitted. [Parents]
859. Margarethe BLESSING was born 8/3/1681 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Her sealing to parents was submitted. Margarethe's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted. [Parents]