Ancestors of Christine Marlene SCHOLZ

Thirteenth Generation


6376. Johannes HÄDERLE was born 1581 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He died 1/15/1635 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Johannes HÄDERLE married Magdalena RAPP on 8/16/1613 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. [Parents]

6377. Magdalena RAPP was born 1593 in Iltishof, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She died 9/6/1634 in Iltishof, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany.


6380. Leonhard SCHURR was born 1584 in Dürnau, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He died 4/1/1654 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany.


6382. Johannes HÄDERLE was born 4/23/1579 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He died 10/8/1634 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 10/10/1972 in the Provo temple. Johannes was baptized 5/20/1972 in the Provo temple. He was endowed 6/20/1972 in the Provo temple. Johannes married Appolonia on 2/5/1609 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 10/17/1972 in the Provo temple. [Parents]

6383. Appolonia was born estimated 1588 in Ditzenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She died 4/7/1635 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Appolonia was baptized 4/25/1997 in the Mount Timpanogos temple. She was endowed 10/17/1997 in the Mount Timpanogos temple.


6400. Georg BLESSING is printed as #6296.

6401. Anna KOCHS is printed as #6297.


6402. Andreas EMMERS was born estimated 1580 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. His sealing to parents was submitted. Andreas was baptized 9/7/1996 in the Provo temple. He was endowed 11/1/1996 in the Provo temple. He married Maria IEPPIG on 1/1609 in Grosssüssen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Their sealing was submitted. [Parents]

6403. Maria IEPPIG was born 4/25/1582 in Grosssüssen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Her sealing to parents was submitted. Maria's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted. [Parents]


6408. Johannes FRECH was born estimated 1558 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. His sealing to parents was submitted. Johannes's baptism was submitted. His endowment was submitted. He married Maria SCHMID on 7/13/1585 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 8/24/1973 in the Oakland temple. [Parents]

6409. Maria SCHMID was born estimated 1560 in Donzdorf, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Her sealing to parents was submitted. Maria's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted. [Parents]


6410. Bartholomäus BLESSING was born 8/24/1572 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 3/19/1960 in the Logan temple. Bartholomäus was baptized 1/6/1959. He was endowed 3/3/1959 in the Logan temple. He married Anna THEISS on 7/29/1600 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Their sealing was submitted. [Parents]

6411. Anna THEISS was born estimated 1579 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She was sealed to her parents submitted 11/8/1997. Anna was baptized submitted 9/24/1997. She was endowed submitted 9/24/1997. [Parents]


6412. Georg MÜHLHÄUSER was born 5/28/1581 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 1/12/1968 in the Oakland temple. Georg was baptized 5/17/1967. He was endowed 6/29/1967 in the Oakland temple. He married Maria LUTZ on 2/7/1604 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 1/12/1973 in the Arizona temple. [Parents]

6413. Maria LUTZ was born 4/10/1573 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Her sealing to parents was submitted. Maria's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted. [Parents]


6414. Johannes WEIN UND BROT was born 9/15/1575 in Heiningen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 6/14/1973 in the Los Angeles temple. Johannes was baptized 10/28/1972 in the Los Angeles temple. He was endowed 1/16/1973 in the Los Angeles temple. He married Anna on 11/27/1599 in Heiningen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 9/15/1976 in the Salt Lake temple. [Parents]

6415. Anna was born estimated 1578 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Anna was baptized 4/26/1997 in the Provo temple. She was endowed 11/7/1997 in the Provo temple.


6436. Michael MÜHLHÄUSER is printed as #6368.

6437. Ursula FREY is printed as #6369.


6438. Konrad LEMPPENAU was born estimated 1583 in Kleineislingen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. His sealing to parents was submitted. Konrad's baptism was submitted. His endowment was submitted. He married Maria RAPP on 8/12/1606 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 5/18/1971 in the Idaho Falls temple. [Parents]

6439. Maria RAPP was born 3/20/1583 in Ursenwang, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She was sealed to her parents on 3/19/1960 in the Logan temple. Maria was baptized 1/16/1959. She was endowed 4/24/1959 in the Logan temple. [Parents]


6628. Matthäus HAUSER was born estimated 1577 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany.


6630. Johannes GLASER was born estimated 1567 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Johannes's baptism was submitted. His endowment was submitted. He married Magdalena estimated 1592 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Their sealing was submitted.

6631. Magdalena was born estimated 1567 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Magdalena's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted.


6632. Georg BLESSING is printed as #6296.

6633. Anna KOCHS is printed as #6297.


6634. Johannes SCHNEIDER was born estimated 1582 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Johannes's baptism was submitted. His endowment was submitted. He married Apollonia GÖSELE on 5/3/1606 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. Their sealing was submitted. [Parents]

6635. Apollonia GÖSELE was born 8/24/1582 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She was sealed to her parents submitted 10/12/1997. Apollonia's baptism was submitted. Her endowment was submitted. [Parents]


6848. Michael MÜHLHÄUSER was born 11/8/1583 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He died 5/18/1659 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 4/19/1971 in the Salt Lake temple. Michael was baptized 2/10/1971 in the Salt Lake temple. He was endowed 3/23/1971 in the Salt Lake temple. Michael married Ursula FREY on 10/11/1614 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 1/11/1972 in the Cardston Alberta temple. [Parents]

6849. Ursula FREY was born 1/13/1593 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She died 2/29/1640 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She was sealed to her parents on 12/1/1967 in the Oakland temple. Ursula was baptized 5/10/1967. She was endowed 5/24/1967 in the Oakland temple. [Parents]


6850. Peter HERRLINGER was born estimated 1603 in , Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany.


6852. Leonhard RAPP was born 4/17/1579 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. He was sealed to his parents on 3/19/1960 in the Logan temple. Leonhard was baptized 1/6/1959. He was endowed 4/24/1959 in the Logan temple. He married Maria KISSLING on 1/20/1601 in Schlat, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. They were sealed 1/18/1973 in the Arizona temple. [Parents]

6853. Maria KISSLING was born 11/15/1577 in Eschenbach, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germany. She was sealed to her parents on 1/8/1974 in the Ogden temple. Maria was baptized 11/29/1973 in the Ogden temple. She was endowed 1/10/1974 in the Ogden temple. [Parents]


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